Symposium 2023

March 1, 2023 | Stanford, California

Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Research Symposium

Miss the symposium? Read highlights and view photos | Watch recordings


We invite you to join us in celebrating human performance research. Through a series of research talks, discussions, and sessions with posters and demos, the event will showcase groundbreaking human performance research and seed new collaborations. The event is open to the Stanford community and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance community at all of the institutions in the Alliance’s network.

Events take place at the Li Ka Shing Learning and Knowledge Center (LKSC)

Alliance members: Access All-Hands Meeting website


8:30 AM Check-in and Coffee
9:00 AM Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Scott Delp
9:15 AM Digital Twins to Optimize Training, Equipment, and Recovery
10:15 AM Movement and Coffee Break
10:30 AM Female Athlete Performance
11:30 AM Alliance Research Highlights and Late-Breaking Findings
12:00 PM The Power of Collaborative Research and Team Science
Kam Moler, Stanford Vice Provost and Dean of Research
12:15 PM Lunch with Posters and Demos
2:00 PM Reversing Injury with Regenerative Medicine
3:00 PM Movement and Coffee Break
3:15 PM The Molecular Orchestra of Performance
4:15 PM Keynote: Ashton Eaton
4:45 PM Reception with Posters and Demos
6:00 PM Symposium Concludes

Questions? Contact us at [email protected]


We are deeply grateful to Clara Wu Tsai for her vision, leadership, and collaboration in creating the Alliance. We also appreciate the thoughtful ideas and partnership of our fellow members of the Alliance Leadership Council (Kathryn E. Ackerman, Andrew C. Fry, Robert E. Guldberg, Andrew D. McCulloch, Satchin Panda) in creating this unique celebration.

Special thanks to the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation, whose support has launched this unique public-private scientific collaboration between Stanford University; Harvard Medical School with Boston’s Children Hospital; University of California, San Diego; University of Kansas; University of Oregon; and Salk Institute.

Event Sponsors

We are honored to bring together so many creative people to connect and share in the spirit of discovery.

Scott L. Delp, PhD

Director, Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Stanford; James H. Clark Professor of Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University

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